Sunday, July 22, 2007

My thoughts on Figi bottled water.........

Okay my husband wrote a very interesting and thought out post about bottled water (Figi) water to be exact. This water is not the best tasting water by any means, and it is a bit costly, but my daughter likes and it and she buys it with her money so I really don't care. I myself prefer wal-mart water. It taste good and its cheap. Now back to the Figi water thing. This water is natural artesian water. This means it is forced out of the ground by its own pressure. In other words it is water held in the middle of an island , which is also a valcano. This water is also mixed with the rain water and all the stuff that leaks through the ground (yuck). I know it is probably cleaned and stuff but yuck. As for my main point ( it is never touched by human hands) okay it my not be, but do you think that the FDA would not have some part in this. Do you think that they would let something sell in our stores that just gets pumped out of the ground in the middle of nowhere and not do test on it. How do they get the other chemicals in there. Yes they are probably put in through a tubing system but somewhere, somehow somebody has to scoop the chemical into it so therefore they have to be picked up by human hands. Unless this whole company is ran by robots or something like that. So the whole never been touched by human hands, come on do you really think this is true? Please feel free to leave your comment I would really like to have your point of view. Maybe I just put to much thought into this, maybe I think about stuff to much, I don't know you tell me......and if you want to check out Figi water go to See how this is all done. Then tell me you would not think the same thing.........

Sunday, July 15, 2007

A tid bit part of me

OK so here it is, I am 35 years old , and married to a wonderful man for the last almost 6 years. Together we have 5 children, from 1 year to 21 years old. I am a stay at home mom with our 1 year old, and my two teenagers. I don't know which is more difficult the 1 year old or the two teenagers. I really think they run a very, very close race. Although Logan my 1yr old is starting his terrible twos. I have also started a new hobby I guess you could say. My husband (Tim) and I have been canning food out of the garden that we planted this year. At this point and time I really do not want to see another cucumber for a long time. I have made a lot of pickles and I don't even like them. I have also been making a quilt for my son and his soon to be wife. Mind you that this is the first big quilt I have ever made, and of all things it was a double wedding ring quilt. ( the hardest quilt to make ) but I did it. I now have less hair, and nerves than I did before. I wanted to make a patchwork quilt something that I have made before, But my loving husband said no make a double wedding ring I did. It all turned out really good if I do say so myself. Not to mention that in this past year my daughter ( Katie she is 17) graduated highschool this year. My son Colton which is 14, will be going into the 9th grade this year. We also do alot of camping from spring till early fall. We really enjoy this. Logan really likes it also because he gets to be outside almost all day long. He is an outside child like I am. I would rather be outside than inside long as its not to hot! I am sure I will writing more on all subjects at a later time, but thats all for now.