Monday, November 12, 2007

What I am thankful for......

Well with Thanksgiving right around the corner, I thought I would do the traditional thing and blog on what I am thankful for. First and most of all I am thankful for my wonderful husband, he takes care of his family to the fullest extent. He makes sure we have what we need or want. He provides more than he should sometimes. He cares deeply for all of us. He has a very big heart even though he doesnt show it alot he does. He works very hard to make sure we are okay. He is very compassionate and loving and cares for the ones around him. He has taught me that there is more to life than what I had lived or expected. and to him I am very grateful for all that he has done. I love him very much.

I am thankful for our family. Together have five wonderful children, and one awesome daughter in law. Thank you Angela for taking such good care of Justin. I could not have asked for a better person for him. Justin and Nick are just two great all around young men. I have accepted you guys with open arms and I love you as if you were my very own children. As for the other three...Katie, Colton, and Logan. I love with all my heart. I have learned a great deal from each of them. Katie just recently lost the love of her life and good friend. I learned that you should tell someone how you feel at that moment and not wait to tell them, for you may never get the chance because they can be gone in an instant. Colton always amazes me I just read his myspace and learned of a sweet child that I knew was there but havent seen in a long time. I learned of alot of stuff he is grateful for but has not said anything to anybody. For that I love him. As for Logan the love of my life he is so sweet and smart. I am constantly learning new stuff from him everyday. I am also very grateful for my parents.. because without them I wouldnt be the person that I am today. They have been there for me when I didnt think anyone cared. I have learned alot from my parents and I love them dearly. I am so grateful everything in my life and so very happy with all that has happened and all that come to me in the future.


Angela said...

Have a happy Thanksgiving! We miss you!

Memories; Past Present and Future said...

I am thankful you put up with my crap and still love me. I'll just keep lovin you if thats ok.

Romack said...

I don't know why I haven't noticed this post until now, but....

We love you too. I am glad my dad is married to someone as loving and caring as you. We miss you guys and hope to see you all soon. should post again. I am adding you to my links (finally - sorry) don't let me down.